New Years Eve, can you believe it? We're almost to 2012! This year has gone crazy fast and it seems like just yesterday we were celebrating 2010 finishing up! We've been eating some good food all night, actually was cleaning some of the night, and now we're in the middle of a movie but are taking a break so Scott can get Savannah to sleep.
After opening Christmas presents at our house Christmas morning we drove over to Jim & Pat's to open presents with them. Their living room was ridiculously full and we were spoiled like always. The kids got some great presents, Connor got some awesome wrestling toys, a Toy Story Garbage Truck and some other great things from Grandma & Grandpa. Savannah got a baby doll and stroller along with a fisher price picnic basket that I had asked for, for her. We also got some great things from The Moore's, including some super comfy sandals for me and an awesome shirt for Scott. We also gave them their presents, and this year Pat wins the present that I spent the most time on. Several, several hours, and 282 photos went into a photo book that
covers the time frame of Connor's 2nd birthday to his 4th birthday. I'm going by Birthdays because that's an easy cut off time for me to remember for when I do it again for her. I think she liked it, and I hope everyone else loved their presents as well! After that the family from Milwaukee came up and we spent a few hours with them, celebrating with good food and of course more presents for the kids!
After opening Christmas presents at our house Christmas morning we drove over to Jim & Pat's to open presents with them. Their living room was ridiculously full and we were spoiled like always. The kids got some great presents, Connor got some awesome wrestling toys, a Toy Story Garbage Truck and some other great things from Grandma & Grandpa. Savannah got a baby doll and stroller along with a fisher price picnic basket that I had asked for, for her. We also got some great things from The Moore's, including some super comfy sandals for me and an awesome shirt for Scott. We also gave them their presents, and this year Pat wins the present that I spent the most time on. Several, several hours, and 282 photos went into a photo book that