So I finished up Pat's Christmas present last night, yay! That took FOREVER! It ended up having 282 pictures in it! Holy cow! I did realize however I ordered the wrong size, crap! Some of those pages have a lot of pictures on them, so I hope she'll be able to see them! I also finished getting the kids god parents presents together this morning! Woho! Now I just need to get 1 more thing for Matt and 1 more thing for Secret Santa and then I think we're done! I'll have to double check everything and make sure we didn't miss anyone, but the end is in sight!
So we finished the book Sweet Dream Kisses - Treasury of Bedtime Stories last month. I don't know how I forgot to post about it but somehow it got missed. I realized it when I went onto my Shelfari account and it still said we were reading it, oops! Anyways, the book is super cute & a really nice o
ne to have. It has a ton of short stories in it, some classics and some I've never heard of before. We would read 2-3 almost every night (Scott even read once and awhile!) and took us a few weeks to complete it. If you're looking for a nice book to purchase for a little kid I recommend this one! I don't remember where we got it but I'm sure you could find it on Amazon very easily.

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