Finally got Savannah to take a nap this morning, I almost thought she was going to skip it because she didn't seem like she was that tired. Trying to get a few things done around the house and get some homework done. This semester is almost over, yay! Also, we have Round Robin this weekend so we gotta get the house looking 1/2 way decent for people to come over!
So Saturday the 3rd was Savannah's big birthday party! We had it over at John & Carol's house because there was no way we could fit everyone inside of our house. Connor's party always works out great because we can do it outside but with a winter party that just isn't possible. So the theme was Care Bears, cups, plates, napkins, decorations, and cake were all matching. Unfortunately the balloons weren't quite the same since they didn't have Care Bear balloons at the store, should have ordered them online! Oh well I guess! A bunch of people showed up to her party (although there
were quite a few people missing but that's a whole other story I don't feel like getting into right now). She got some wonderful presents, including some super cute clothes, leg warmers, a pink rocking chair, a pink rocking recliner, books, some toys, a walker, and some other cute stuff! Thank you for everyone who came to her party, thank you to everyone who brought food to pass as well, and thank you Patsy for once again making a fabulous cake! I'll post more about the cake tomorrow!

she's just adorable!! :)