Chicken Noodle Soup for dinner tonight, yumm! Had to cook the chicken this time, usually we just use left over chicken from a whole chicken, but we haven't made a whole chicken in awhile so I just cooked up some chicken breasts. Should make Scott's "dinner duty" easy for him, all he has to do is throw in the cooked chicken and the noodles when he gets home from taking Connor to Karate.
So after the Children's Museum we went home and got everything ready for a "mini" party. Both sets of grandparents, the Moore's and Betty came over. I made BBQ Chicken Wings (3 different types of BBQ, the kind I made, Tastefully Simple's, and Open Pit), Honey Teriyaki Ribs (Tastefully Simple, but I can't find it on the website to add a link, so I think it may have been discontinued), some pasta, and Pat made some bread. I also made some cherry chip cupcakes with strawberry frosting for dessert. We ate dinner, then opened presents (a couple super cute outfits, a mini mouse, a bracelet, a stacking toy, a Barbie Jeep and from us - diamond earrings, clothes, a
movie & a cute lady bug shapes toy) , then we had "cake"! Because we did BLW with Savannah, she was so use to just getting regular food, that she really didn't get that messy at all. It took her a little bit to even try it because she was confused as to what it was since she has never been given a cupcake before. Overall, I think Savannah's Birthday was awesome! And I have tons of pictures to show her when she's older!

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