So Savannah is taking an early nap today, which is good I guess. I can get my blog post taken care of right away and then start working on my homework. Just under 2 more chapters to read for my Employment Law class, then I have to take the test tomorrow night. I believe I just need to get a 92% or higher to get an A in the class, so keeping my fingers crossed that happens! I NEED to get an A in order to have a chance to graduate with honors!
So Sunday Connor & I decided to make some cookies. I had extra Hersey kisses laying around so I figured I'd make Peanut Butter Kiss Cookies, because who doesn't love peanut butter? (If you don't know by now I LOVE peanut butter!). I followed the recipe on exactly as stated, except I tripled everything. It ended up making 5 dozen cookies! Yum! Connor's job was to unwrap all the Hersey Kisses (which to me would suck, but he loved doing it). It did say to cook them for 10 minutes, however it
took mine about 15 minutes using the Pampered Chef Large Bar Pan (LOVE! If you do not have this pan, you need to get it to make cookies, they always come out perfect all around, never underdone on top and burnt on the bottom which is the problem I had with other cookie sheets). These cookies turned out so well I had to bring 3 dozen of them to work in order to prevent me from eating them all!

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