Monday once again back to a regular work week. Can you believe Christmas is less than 3 weeks away now? Connor's getting excited about all the presents (of course, lol). I'm about done with all my shopping & wrapping just a few little things to get done yet. The biggest being the mother-in-laws present, kind of slacking on that, NEED to finish that this week so I get it in time for Christmas.
So for Savannah's Birthday we met up with the Moore's to go to the Children's Museum. We went almost a year ago for Buddy's Birthday and the kids had a ton of fun so we figured we'd go again for Savannah's. The boys had a ton of fun looking and playing with everything and the girls had fun looking at everyone being silly and getting into a few things themselves. Con
nor even ended up seeing one of his classmates at the museum - Matthew - whose cubby is right next to his at school. We had so much fun we decided we're going to go again on Scott's birthday next month!

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