Can you believe Thanksgiving is just a little over a week away, which means Black Friday is just around the corner! Are you going shopping? I am! Walmart opens at 10 p.m. and you better believe that's when I'll be there! You can't beat $2 movies and $5 PJ's for kids! Will also be hitting up Kohl's at midnight and the mall by 5 a.m. Other stores are opening at midnight as well but so far there is nothing jumping out that I need from them.
So I was trying to come up with something to Blog about today and nothing was jumping out. Then I realized Savannah turns 1 in just 16 days so now would probably be a great time to showcase the 5 items I don't think I could live without this past year. In no particular order:
1. Medela New Pump in Style Original Breast P
ump - I purchased this while still at the hospital with Connor and we have definetly gotten our money's worth. If you plan on breastfeeding but have to go back to work you need to get a good pump that will work efficiently and effectively. Other than the normal parts wearing out and having to be replaced, this has been a wonderful investment.
2. Fisher Price Bouncer - I had a bouncer with
Connor but never figured out what happened with it, after a few months debating about buying a new one we finally went out and purchased one. It's great the first 6 months to have. Savannah loved looking at the animals and it made it easier for us to get dinner made with her being happily content sitting in the bouncer.
So I was trying to come up with something to Blog about today and nothing was jumping out. Then I realized Savannah turns 1 in just 16 days so now would probably be a great time to showcase the 5 items I don't think I could live without this past year. In no particular order:
1. Medela New Pump in Style Original Breast P

2. Fisher Price Bouncer - I had a bouncer with

3. Fisher Price Swing - I
received this from one of my baby showers when pregnant with Connor and I love it. Connor enjoyed it, my cousin's baby girl Lily used it for awhile and now Savannah uses it. Savannah likes to keep moving when she takes her naps so after I rock her to sleep I can plop her down in this and she'll take a descent nap in it. I'm glad I have it!
4. Fisher Price Booster - With Connor we used a regular high chair but with Savannah we decided against it. Why
you may ask? Well since we did Baby Led Weaning with Savannah it was important that the tray wasn't to high up on her chest. With a regular high chair this is a problem and it can be difficult for a baby to grab the food easily so we decided on a booster seat - which is cheaper and it also "fits" her better. Plus it takes up a lot less room in your house.

4. Fisher Price Booster - With Connor we used a regular high chair but with Savannah we decided against it. Why

5. Baby Carrier: BabyHawk - I really wish I would have k
nown about these when Connor was a baby. Having to worry about a stroller is kind of a pain in the butt and if you're going somewhere like the Farmers Market Downtown with the huge crown they can be a huge inconvenience, but with a baby carrier you don't have to worry about the stroller. It is also nice when it's cold outside because it will keep you and baby warmer and there is a lot of other reasons wearing your baby is beneficial for your baby (but that's an entirely different type of post).

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