So I have my very first parent teachers conference today, ahh! Kind of scary! I really don't know what to expect. I hope they tell me Connor is wonderful and he's the smartest kid in the class, but every parent wants to hear that, and not every kid can be the best........ As long as Connor is having fun and is making friends, I think that's the most important part of school. If you're having fun & making good (key word) friends, doing good in school will just happen.
So last week we went and got our Christmas Pictures taken at Portrait Innovations. This is the same place we got Savannah's 8 month pictures, and I ended up being much happier this time around. We got several great
pictures taken and had lots to choose from. Unfortunately Savannah wasn't in the most smiley of moods but they still turned out pretty good. We got a whole bunch of wallets of Savannah to put in her birthday invites (started handing them out yesterday). Normally I would put her Birthday picture in her Thank-Yous from her party, but the Care Bear theme only came with Post-Card thank-yous so that wasn't an option. Well, here is one of our family portraits from the session.

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