So we're trying a new schedule with Savannah, instead of putting her to bed at 9:30ish, we're shooting for 8. Last night it was 7:45 when she fell asleep, and so far it doesn't seem to help. she woke up about 5 times before it was 7:30 (when I wake her up in the morning). Going to continue to try it at least a couple of more times before I consider it a failure.
So Monday was Halloween, I hope everyone had a good day! Scott had the day off of work, so he got to play w
ith the kids all day (well after Connor was done with school), but I had to work like normal. This being Savannah's 1st Halloween, I had to make sure she looked super cute. I got an outfit after last Halloween, I think at Walmart on clearance. But I had to accessorize it to make it perfect. So I went online to My Little Legs and ordered her some leggings & a 5 pack of headbands. I think the outfit came together nicely and Miss. Savannah was as cute as ever!

I think that picture is so cute!! Makes me wish and hope for a baby girl sometime!