Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Trip To The Zoo

So I just finished the book I was reading, so now I have to dig through my stack of books that I haven't read yet. I still have several Danielle Steel books, a few Nora Roberts, and a couple other misc. ones to read. I'm thinking another Danielle Steel, those go quickly for me, and are easy to read, but I like that sometimes.

So every year for Connor's birthday we start the day off by going to get his pictures taken at JcPenneys (Can't post any pictures here for some reason........they changed the way their albums view online, so I can't save them to my computer - find the link on my FB page if you want to see them). After that we go to the Zoo. This year we took some lunch and started off with that, and then walked around. We stayed for about 2 hours, took our usual pictures and ended up with a super messy Popsicle and a rubber snack from the gift store. (1st birthday - stuffed snack, 2nd birthday - stuffed polar bear, 3rd birthday - stuffed frog).

Someone's 4

Sitting here cuddling with my baby girl, thinking about that I do not want to go to work's "end of month", so we have to finish all June business, so it's going to be doesn't help that we have a new girl who just recently started doing the invoicing, so I have to do a bunch of it just so we don't least it keeps me busy I guess.

So 4 years ago today at 10:13 a.m., 6lbs12oz 18 inch Connor came into this world. Has it really been 4 years already? Time has just been flying by. It seems like just yesterday he was born, or started talking, walking.......and now he's a big boy! He starts school is just over 2 more months! I woke up this morning hearing Connor asking if he could open his presents, so I rolled out of bed, got my cup of coffee and watched him open them. We gave him 5 new shirts, the elephant to his birthday train, and The Lion King & The Lion King 2. No we didn't' get him any toys, am I a bad mommy? I figured the swing set that he'll get on Sunday is plenty of fun, that he'll get over the fact we didn't get him toys. Plus I don't think he's complaining. He's already watched the Lion King twice, and now we're watching the 2nd one.

Honor Thyself

So 1 more day of work for the week, then it's a long weekend! Not that it'll seem long with everything we have going on, but it'll be nice. Tomorrow is suppose to be over 100 with the heat index, so anyone who is going to be outside make sure you take LOTS of water with you and stay hydrated!

So today while the kids were at swimming lessons (Scott went in with Savannah this time) I finished the book I recently started. Honor Thyself by Danielle Steel. Loved the story line of the book. It was about a famous actress who was taking a break from acting, and wanting to write a story goes to Paris to settle some things from the past. During her first day there she was in a terrible bombing. She spent a week in the ICU as a Jane Doe, and then spent even longer in a coma. After waking up she remembers no one from her past or who she is. She has to learn everything again, thankfully she ends up getting her memory back, and she also receives the answers she was looking for when she went to Paris. If you like Danielle Steel and haven't' read this book, read it!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Eat Pray Love

So we have another fun-filled weekend coming up. Between Lily's Birthday Party, Connor's Birthday Party, and the 4th of July - even though it's a long weekend it's going to go by fast! Saturday before Lily's party we have to get Connor out of the house so we can put together his swing-set that we got him for his birthday! Weekend - you're almost here!

So I got the movie Eat Pray Love for Mother's Day I believe......I love Julia Roberts, and it was a cute movie, BUT I don't think I'll be calling this my favorite Julia Roberts movie. I have to be honost though the first 1/2 of the movie I wasn't watching as closely as I should have been (I was researching what digital camera to buy with all my $$ I got for my birthday). It held my interest enough though that I will watch it again (and make sure I watch it more closely) and I am very interested in reading the book, so I'll probably be putting that on my Christmas List!

At The Beach

So tonight I have to go to the grocery store to finish buying all the food for Connor's Birthday Party that we're having this Sunday. Can you believe tomorrow he's going to be 4?? I can't! Where has the time gone? I think at some point tomorrow I might baby is growing up way to fast!!!

So we didn't end up going to the Milwaukee Zoo on my birthday after all. It took awhile for us to figure out what we were going to do instead. Connor & I took a good nap, and then afterwards we headed to Olbrich Beach. Scott had never swam in a Madison Lake, and up until recently I thought people never did........a co-worker of mine told me she took her boys to the lakes around her often, so I figured why not try it out. There was seaweed hanging out by the shallow end, but after you get out a little ways there really isn't much to worry about. I've swam in worse when I was a kid! So we'll probably try to hit up a couple of the other Madison beaches this summer and figure out which one we like best. After the beach we went to Perkins for dinner and then went to Angel Park to play!

Monday, June 27, 2011


Why do I take my birthday off from work every year? I always expect my birthday is going to be awesome, but am somehow always disappointed.......maybe I set the bar to high? I'm not sure.......all I know is now I don't really feel like doing anything, and would rather just stay in bed...........

So last night I got to open one of my presents from Scott & the kids. I had picked out a Juicer (Hamilton Beach) at Kohl's, and Scott ended up ordering it for me. I wanted to try it out last night, but decided to go over to the Moore's house instead for smores. So this morning after breakfast I busted it out. Added strawberries, celery, carrots, green beans, and broccoli. I wasn't about to taste it, so I made Scott try it first (I did end up taking a couple of sips of it though). Overall he said it wasn't bad. After you got over the fact that it's a thicker juice than you're use to, the taste isn't bad.

Birthday Dinner

So we were suppose to be going to the Milwaukee Zoo today, but that got canned........darn! Stupid weather! Oh well I guess, we'll have to think of something else to do today........or just lounge around all day since it was a pretty crazy busy weekend.

So last night a bunch of us went to the Great Dane off of Cottage Grove Road to celebrate my birthday. I got a Cajun Chicken Sand which, and YUMMMMM it was so good! Scott got the Meat Loaf Again (we went there with the Jarrel Clan in March), and Connor got the Dinosaur Nuggets. Savannah ended up eating a sweet potato fry, green beans, and some baked apple with cinnamon on it. Afterwards the Veith side came over and we ate cupcakes and I got to open presents. I got a lot of Gift Cards to Best Buy, which is what I wanted, because I want to purchase a new digital camera before Disney next year. I also got some cook books I asked for, a school memory (for Connor) book, a Dale Jr. flash drive, a clear shower curtain (we needed!), a shirt, juicer, and a gift card to Marcus Theatres, which will come in handy cause we'll probably take Connor to go see Cars 2.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Banberry Jam

Just got home from the Moore's house. We went over there and made some smore's over their little fire pit, yum! First smore of the summer! The boys also played on their new swing set and Chrissy & I chilled with the girls while they tried to sleep a little. They were all so cute! We even caught a couple of fire flies!

So today we were going to pick strawberries & make banberry jam. Well the picking of the strawberries didn't happen. We drove all the way out there and they sent us away because there were "to many" people there........well fine then! We ended up driving to Copps, where they had strawberries for $1.44 a pound, so it was even cheaper than picking them ourselves! We then came back to the house and ended up making 17 jars of Banberry Jam, so I took 8 of the jars while Jessica took 9. 3 of the jars we didn't even process because we had to get going to the Haack graduation party, but that's okay, they can hang out in the fridge & we can use them right away!


So I really should start getting ready for the day...........but I feel like being lazy right now, lol. After we do the strawberries & Jam, then we have a graduation party to go to, and then we are going to the Great Dane tonight for dinner to celebrate my birthday a night early, yummy, can't wait!

So after swimming in the pond, using the paddle boat, and then swimming a little bit in the pool we went over to the park. I have never put Savannah in a swing, and unless Jim & Pat have and I don't know about it, this was Savannah's first time in a swing. I got her giggling like crazy in the swing, I think she loved it! I can't wait until we get a swim set in our own backyard so I can take her on it more often (we got Connor one for his birthday that we are going to set up next Saturday, but shhhhhhhh he doesn't know!)

Paddle Boat

So in a little over an hour or so, Jessica will be coming over. We're going to go pick strawberries and then make some BanBerry Jam (Bananas & Strawberries if you didn't catch that). I found the recipe online somewhere, but can't remember where. I sure hope it turns out good, cause it sure sounds yummy!!

So yesterday we made the trip up to Rio to the campgrounds that Scott's family goes to pretty much every year. We left our house just after noon, and it's a little over a half hour to get there. One of the first things we did was get our swim suits out and head to the pond, where Carol rented a paddle boat for an hour. I don't remember the last time I was on a paddle boat, it was a lot of fun, but a lot of work. It didn't help that I had done my work out video earlier in the day so my legs were already tired..........needless to say I didn't paddle for very long and made Scott do it instead, lol.

Plums & Green Beans

So I'm a few posts - that I want to share with everyone - behind.....oops! It's officially summer, which means are weekends are pretty packed full, and when we don't have anything going on I just want to sit and vedge and try to gain some energy back.......We're going to be having a crazy week, so hopefully I can keep up and keep you all informed on what's going on over here!

So Thursday night we started on the next food of choice, Plums & Green Beans. You know when you take a bit of something and you really don't like it, and you get the weird "yuck" shudder? Anyone know what I'm talking about? Well Savannah totally did it with the Plums. I think they were pretty tart. I laughed so hard after she did that, that I was crying. Did it stop her from eating more of it? Nope, she kept going back for more! She also seemed to enjoy the Green Beans, but didn't touch those nearly as much as the Plums.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Parmesan Chicken

So today was pretty chilly....which meant no swimming lessons for the kids. We could have brought them in for a safety day, but we decided against it. Instead we spent the time and went through my boxes of Tastefully Simple stuff that came today!

Tonight we tried a new recipe - from - Parmesan Chicken. Can I say yummmmmmmm! The only thing we did differently was we used plain bread crumbs, added Tastefully Simples Garlic Garlic and some Pepper, and we also didn't flatten the chicken - which added to the cook time. It turned out great! We ate it with some asparagus (we toss some olive oil in the pan along with Garlic Garlic). A great meal I can't wait to have again!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Chronicles of Narnia

So tomorrow is suppose to be in the low to mid 60's, so I'm assuming we probably wont have swimming lessons tomorrow. I sure hope the weather gets better because we have lots of plans for outside in the next week. Picking strawberries, swimming, zoo and a bunch of other stuff.

So yesterday I finally finished reading The Chronicles of Narnia. I started this book over a year ago. I started off reading it to Scott & Connor, but after only about two of the books that stopped. Connor got to old to sit and listen to a book without pictures, so now we have to read him kid books. And Scott hated it anyways because it was to "out there" for him. I can't give a very accurate review of the book because I only remember The Lion The Witch & The Wardrobe, because I had read that previously, and the last two books of the series because I read those within the last two weeks. The middle ones are a little blurry and I remember the jist of them, but have forgotten a lot of the details. I will probably try to read them all again, but I need to read them quicker so I don't forget a lot of the details.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Grilled Fish Steaks

So I just finished Day 26 of the 30 Day Shred, and I actually did Level 3. I will admit I cheated a bunch this time, but I'm still sweating like a pig! Only 4 more days to go! Going to jump in the shower in a bit, just wanted to jump on here quick before I did.

Yesterday we tried another new recipe from - Grilled Fish Steaks. Carol recommended dumping the fish in milk first to take out some of the fishy flavor, so Scott did that. Also one of the reviews for the recipe recommended putting tin foil down before you grill them, which totally makes sense since fish has a tendency to start falling apart, so we did that to. We did not have the time to marinade the recipe as long as it calls for, only for about fifteen minutes. The fish tasted good, I wouldn't say great, but we really aren't much of fish people. The reason for trying this is we're trying to add more fish to our diets, cause we probably only eat it once or twice a year. So we're going to shoot for once a month for now, even though we should be eating it more often. This recipe was a good enough starter to try again, maybe next time we'll be able to marinade it for longer and maybe add a few little things to make it better for us.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Fathers Day

Can you believe Connor is going to be 4 years old in just 10 days? I can't! It's crazy to think that he's going to be going to school this fall!! For his birthday we're going to be doing the usual, go get pictures taken, go to the zoo, go to McDonald's for dinner, but we also have swimming lessons that day as well (well, as long as the weather is fine), so dinner will be a little late, but overall it should be a fun day. Probably not as much fun as his party on the 3rd, but you can only do so much with a tight budget!

So I hope all the Daddy's out there had a great Father's Day. We had to wake up a little early so we could make it down to the Lodge to meet all of Scott's family for breakfast, but we had enough time for him to open his presents. He got some Wausabi and Soy Sauce Nuts, Slim Jim's, some new Wife Beaters, and I told him he could go pick out some meat for dinner (ended up being a 2.1 lb steak for us to split, lol). We then went down to the Lodge and had our omelet breakfast, then back to the in-laws to spend some time with Scott's Dad and his sister's family. So nothing excitingly fun, but a nice laid-back kind of day with some great food!


So in 1 week I turn 25 years 1 week!! A 1/4 of a centruy........2.5 if I wasn't feel old enough......We picked up my cousin Hanna on Saturday on the way to the Dells and got to talking........I remember when not everyone had a computer, we got ours in 6th grade.......I remember when there was no Internet......these are things that have been around her entire life.......along with cell phones, which I didn't have my own cell phone until I was 17! Birthdays always make me sad.........I don't want to get older.......old age kind of scares me.....and it's coming entirely way to fast...........

So Saturday after picking up Hanna we met John & Carol at the Original Wisconsin Ducks. It seems like forever when I went on these, and I thought it would be fun to take Connor on them, PLUS we had a 50% off coupon! So we took the one hour tour. Our guide was pretty funny, got Carol wet (we were all in the back 2 rows), and Connor had fun looking at the water and searching for animals. Savannah seemed to like it as well because she stayed awake for the entire trip even though she was all comfy and warm in my BabyHawk Wrap.


So tonight I finished Day 25 of the 30 Day Shred.....only 5 more days to go! I should probably be doing Level 3 by now, but I'm not. I've done level 2 a couple of times, but pretty much have stuck with Level 1 since. It's a good work out without making me feel like I'm going to die....... I'll be finishing with it on Saturday, then taking June 26th-July 4th off, then starting all over again. I'll probably stick to Level 2 most of the time this round.

So Saturday was the first day Savannah got 2 meals during the day. For dinner she is currently on Bananas & Asparagus, so to mix things up for her we gave her Avocado spread on bread and Cheerios. I know she really can't pick up the Cheerios yet, but I figured this would help her work on her dexterity and eventually she'll be able to get them in her mouth. She still isn't swallowing a lot, but I know she got a little at least, there were a couple of times I saw the bread go in without it getting spit back out.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Asparagus & Bananas

So last night I completed Day 20 of the 30 Day Shred, which means this morning was another weigh in. And...........drum roll please.............From Day 10 I've lost another 3.8lbs, for a total of 5.4 lbs!! WOHO! In under 3 weeks (well......more like about 4 weeks since I took some breaks and stuff) I lost that much. Now only 10 more days to go, and 4 more lbs until pre-preggo weight!!

So tonight started a new variety of food for Savannah. Asparagus & Bananas. She did chew on the asparagus for awhile, BUT totally destroyed the Banana. Pretty sure she actually ate some of it to (she just recently started swallowing some of her food). This was by far the messiest dinner she's ever had, and probably the most fun! (it didn't help that the banana was on the end of it's life, so it was a little mushier than it normally would have been....just made it that much messier).

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Ground Turkey Casserole

So tonight I'll finish Day 20 of the 30 day Shred, which means I'll be getting a weight check in the morning..........I think I've lost at least another pound or two since Day 10, so we shall see!! I think it'll be a little disappointing and discouraging if the scale hasn't budged, but I'm pretty sure it has.

So tonight I got Scott to make a new recipe for the family. It was a Ground Turkey Casserole from Can I just say, yumm!! The only difference we made to it is Scott added 16oz of noodles instead of 12oz. Probably not the healthiest dish in the world with all the cheese in stuff, but it wouldn't be to bad if you used low-fat of everything. There was even enough to freeze a bunch for to use it for dinner in a week or two and enough for Scott to take for lunch on Friday.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Swimming Lessons

So far so good this week with the 30 Day Shred. I finished Day 18 last night, and if I continue every night I'll finish with it on June 25th, right before my birthday, which was my goal. So hopefully I can find the energy to pry my butt off this couch so I can get Day 19 done!

So tonight was the beginning of Swimming Lessons for both kids. Connor did such an amazing job. If you remember from last summer he ended up failing Preschool 1, which was to be expected, considering it was the first time he had ever been in a pool without Scott or I. But he is doing noticeably better which is good considering we signed him up for Preschool 2 classes for the second 1/2 of the summer. Savannah did awesome as well. She only wined a couple of times, but it was kind of cold, so I don't blame her. Scott took 1 close up picture of Savannah, but her eyes ended up being closed.....I'll take better ones next time.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Broccoli & Pears

So tonight I finished Day 15 of the 30 Day Shred.......although now I'm paying for it. My ankles were feeling a little better, they were still sore, but not to they're killing me......I'll probably end up calling the Dr. Monday and going to see if there is anything (other than resting them) I can do about it...

So tonight we started a new dinner for Savannah. Broccoli & Pears. I thought she would totally be all about the pears (she did try them a little), but NO she was in love with the Broccoli. I don't know if it was just because it was a new and different texture, or what, but she played with the Broccoli for a good fifteen - twenty minutes!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Eat Well, Lose Weight While Breastfeeding

So the last 3 nights I've barley had any sleep.......ugh.........The first name is to be blamed on Connor, the second night on Savannah's cold, and then last night........which was worse than the other 2 nights combined............Savannah barley slept for more than 20 minutes at a time, poor Scott even had to deal with Savannah in the middle of the night (which he RARELY ever has to do)....we're both feeling it tonight...........stupid shots & cold.......

So today I finished reading Eat Well, Lose Weight While Breastfeeding by Eileen Behan. I thought the book was pretty good, it was a quick read (less than a week), and had a TON of information in it. I really like how it tells you exactly the type of things you need to eat and why. I think the why was the most important part of the book. I knew I should eat more fruits & veggies and less fatty stuff, but now I know that I have to in order to live a healthier life style. Will this book make me a nutrition freak? No. But it made me look at eating in a different perspective. I need to just avoid buying the non-nutritious snacks and stock up on things that are good for me and taste good too (watermelon, cantaloupe, etc). It also give you good tips on how to add nutrition to meals you already make and what to look for when you want to buy those pre-packaged meals that are easy to make. If you want to read a book about how to read right that is catered to the new-mom, pick it up. I bought mine used off of amazon for less than $10. (Note: there is an older version of this book, make sure you get the newer one because the information has been updated to current studies/trends)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

She's A Growin

So I'm sitting here feeling miserable..........between my ankles and this damn head head is so congested, and I've probably used an entire box of tissues today.....hopefully I feel better tomorrow, I really want to get the 30 Day Shred done by my birthday.......and the last week I've been horrible about it..........stupid ankles.

So today Savannah had her 6 month check up. She weighs in at 14lbs 8oz (18.1%) and is 27 inches long (87.4%). She's up from her 4 month check up where she was only 14.7% for weight and 77.9% for height. I think her Dr. still wants her to be a little fatter, but whatever....some babies are just skinny. To compare her to Connor, at his 6 month check up he weighed in at 18lbs and was 27.25 inches. So she's barley shorter than him, but a significant amount lighter. She's perfect in every way though, just like her brother!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Congrats Molly

So took a little nap with Savannah this afternoon, even though that problem means I'll have a hard time falling asleep tonight....oh well I guess. We're going to be heading over to Aunt Missy's for dinner pretty soon, but in the mean time Scott is working on cleaning the other bathroom.

So yesterday we headed into Cottage Grove after the birthday party, to visit the Harvey's to celebrate Molly's Graduation (even though the actual graduation didn't happen until today). It was your typical graduation party. Games, food, drinks, etc. It was nice being invited to the party, even though we aren't really "family", but sometimes it seems we are because we see them more often then some of our actual family, lol. So Congrats Molly on your HS Graduation, and all the rest of the Monona Grove Grads.

AJ Turns 1

Sitting here eating a Volcano Burrito from Taco Bell.........yumm!! I recommend it to a co-worker the other day, so I've been thinking about it ever since. Have you ever tried one? If you haven't, you should!

So yesterday we went to my friend Mandi's son's 1st Birthday. Can't believe he's already 1 year old. I remember getting the text message from her saying he was born. Unfortunately I was on my way to Michigan, so there wouldn't have been a way for me to go visit him in the hospital. He sure is a cute little chunk now! His theme was Sesame Street (Connor's was for his 2nd Birthday). We got him a cool guitar and a Sesame Street Puzzle. He also got some other cool "boy" toys and a bunch of summer clothes. Happy 1st Birthday AJ!

Happy Birthday Matt

Savannah is almost asleep finally........sometimes she just fights it so much! Scott should be home in about 30 minutes or so, then maybe we can get some more of this house clean. I told him to bring me home something for lunch....not sure what I want yet, but he'll call me in a little bit and then we can decide.

So Friday was Mr. Moore's 31st Birthday. It was a hot day outside, but in the shade it wasn't to bad. The boys played in the swimming pool, Scott grilled up some brats & hot dogs, and then we had some yummy ice cream cake. We ended up getting Matt some zip ties, the movie Inception, and some beer mugs. He also got some other glasses, some Transformer Toys (yes toys, lol), a couple other movies and some kit to re-do his garage floor. (and yes that is Christmas paper....thats just how Scott rolls, lol) He seemed to enjoy everything, and I hope he had a good birthday! Next up is my birthday!

Sweet Potato Fries & Apples

So right now Scott & Connor are gone helping the Moore's bring home their new swing set, so it's just me & Savannah chillin at home. Next weekend I have my Tastefully Simple party, so I'm trying to get some of the cleaning done. I did manage to clean my entire bathroom, which desperately needed it!! If you are interested in ordering anything from my party, let me know and I'll e-mail you an invite to shop online!

So Friday we started our next foods of Baby Led Weaning. This time it was Sweet Potato Fries & Apples. The Sweet Potato Fries I made the night before, cooked them in the oven with a little bit of oil on top of them. The recipe called for Olive Oil, which I thought we had, but as I was making them Scott informed me he used the rest of it up when we had Asparagus the other I used Veggie Oil instead. She seemed to like the fries, but the Apples were a little more difficult. I had just sliced them with my Pampered Chef Apple Slicer, but I think the pieces were to I'll be making them smaller tonight, probably cut them in half.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Three Junes

It's Finally Friday, YAY! Sometimes I think the week went by super fast and sometimes it seemed to drag on I don't weekend is another fun filled weekend. Scott is working tomorrow morning, I will be taking the kids to my friend Mandi's Son's 1st Birthday Party, then we'll be meeting up at Molly's graduation party. Sunday I think we'll end up at Aunt Missy's for dinner (not 100% sure though...I know they had a few things going on this weekend also). So I guess it's not completely crazy & filled, so hopefully it doesn't fly by to fast!

So today I finally finished reading Three Junes by Julia Glass. It took me about 3 weeks to read it (with only reading while pumping at work). Overall I liked the characters and I liked the book, however it felt like it was missing things. The book was written in 3 different sections, and I kept waiting for the sections to connect more than they did. It seemed there were a lot of questions left unanswered or for you to guess at, I wish some of the issues would have resolved a little more than they did.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

6 Months

So Connor's Gymnastics was officially done last Wednesday, but we have a fun night tonight. They tailor fun nights more towards family coming to watch what your kids have learned. Last time we attended the fun night the parents got to sit in the middle of the floor and take pictures while the kids performed. The kids also got a t-shirt and a cool medal. Not sure if it'll end up being the same thing or not, but either way free stuff (well kinda free........for $65 a month I think we deserve something once and awhile, lol) for Connor = awesome!

So today Savannah is officially 6 months old. I can say at 6 months old she is definitely becoming her own little person. She still does not sleep through the night, and usually gets up twice (1ish and 4ish), and she still sleeps right next to me (so much easier, especially for breastfeeding, since I don't have to get up while 1/2 asleep to pick up a baby and potentially drop her because of my sleep deprivation). She has been "on" solids for almost 2 weeks, she has consumed avocado, cucumber, peaches and carrots. I would have to say her favorite is probably peaches then followed by cucumbers. She is starting to get little pieces off of some of the items, so in no time I know she'll be mowing food down. She is getting better at sitting by herself, "swims" on the floor, and smiles when the mood strikes her. It's so amazing how differently she is compared to Connor, and at the same time how similar they are. I really believe she will crawl way before Connor ever did (12.5 months), and therefore walk before he did (16 months). I just can't believe it's been 6 months since she was born.........crazy.......I'll stop rambling now.......

Memorial Day

Can you believe it's June already? I can' seems like yesterday there was snow on the ground, and now it's going to be around 90 degrees on Friday. This weekend is going to be another busy one. We have AJ's 1st Birthday Party on Saturday, and also Molly's graduation party later on in the afternoon. And also, Friday night, we'll be celebrating Matt's Birthday. We also need to start cleaning the house because I have my Tastefully Simple Party the following Sunday on the 12th.

So this past Monday was Memorial Day. It was pretty eventful day. We started the day by going to Monona to watch Scott's mom as she marched in the parade. Connor had a blast trying to get all the candy that was thrown, even if the bigger kids were being kind of mean and getting most of it, but oh well, he doesn't need all that candy anyways. Afterwards we went home and I planted my garden finally, we headed to brat fest for a little while (Brats, Corn & ice cream = summer is officially here!) we finished the day just relaxing at home and playing with the hose (Connor has a blast squirting Scott, lol).