Sitting here cuddling with my baby girl, thinking about that I do not want to go to work's "end of month", so we have to finish all June business, so it's going to be doesn't help that we have a new girl who just recently started doing the invoicing, so I have to do a bunch of it just so we don't least it keeps me busy I guess.
So 4 years ago today at 10:13 a.m., 6lbs12oz 18 inch Connor came into this world. Has it really been 4 years already? Time has just been flying by. It seems like just yesterday he was born, or started talking, walking.......and now he's a big boy! He starts school is just over 2 more months! I woke up this morning hearing Connor asking if he could open his presents, so I rolled out of bed, got my cup of coffee and watched him open them. We gave him 5 new shirts, the elephant to his birthday train, and The Lion King & The Lion King 2. No we didn't' get him any toys, am I a bad mommy? I figured the swing s
et that he'll get on Sunday is plenty of fun, that he'll get over the fact we didn't get him toys. Plus I don't think he's complaining. He's already watched the Lion King twice, and now we're watching the 2nd one.

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