So 1 more day of work for the week, then it's a long weekend! Not that it'll seem long with everything we have going on, but it'll be nice. Tomorrow is suppose to be over 100 with the heat index, so anyone who is going to be outside make sure you take LOTS of water with you and stay hydrated!
So today while the kids were at swimming lessons (Scott went in with Savannah this time) I finished the book I recently started. Honor Thyself by Danielle Steel. Loved the story line of the book. It was about a famous actress who was taking a break from acting, and wanting to write a story goes to
Paris to settle some things from the past. During her first day there she was in a terrible bombing. She spent a week in the ICU as a Jane Doe, and then spent even longer in a coma. After waking up she remembers no one from her past or who she is. She has to learn everything again, thankfully she ends up getting her memory back, and she also receives the answers she was looking for when she went to Paris. If you like Danielle Steel and haven't' read this book, read it!

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