Can you believe it's June already? I can' seems like yesterday there was snow on the ground, and now it's going to be around 90 degrees on Friday. This weekend is going to be another busy one. We have AJ's 1st Birthday Party on Saturday, and also Molly's graduation party later on in the afternoon. And also, Friday night, we'll be celebrating Matt's Birthday. We also need to start cleaning the house because I have my Tastefully Simple Party the following Sunday on the 12th.
So this past Monday was Memorial Day. It was pretty eventful day. We started the day by going to Monona to watch Scott's mom as she marched in the parade. Connor had a blast trying to get all the candy that was thrown, even if the bigger kids were being kind of mean and getting most of it, but oh well, he doesn't need all that candy anyways. Afterwards we went home and I planted my garden finally, we headed to
brat fest for a little while (Brats, Corn & ice cream = summer is officially here!) we finished the day just relaxing at home and playing with the hose (Connor has a blast squirting Scott, lol).
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