Why do I take my birthday off from work every year? I always expect my birthday is going to be awesome, but am somehow always disappointed.......maybe I set the bar to high? I'm not sure.......all I know is now I don't really feel like doing anything, and would rather just stay in bed...........
So last night I got to open one of my presents from Scott & the kids. I had picked out a Juicer (Hamilton Beach) at Kohl's, and Scott ended up ordering it for me. I wanted to
try it out last night, but decided to go over to the Moore's house instead for smores. So this morning after breakfast I busted it out. Added strawberries, celery, carrots, green beans, and broccoli. I wasn't about to taste it, so I made Scott try it first (I did end up taking a couple of sips of it though). Overall he said it wasn't bad. After you got over the fact that it's a thicker juice than you're use to, the taste isn't bad.

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