So tomorrow is suppose to be in the low to mid 60's, so I'm assuming we probably wont have swimming lessons tomorrow. I sure hope the weather gets better because we have lots of plans for outside in the next week. Picking strawberries, swimming, zoo and a bunch of other stuff.
So yesterday I finally finished reading The Chronicles of Narnia. I started this book over a year ago. I started off reading it to Scott & Connor, but after only about two of the books that stopped. Connor got to old to sit and listen to a book without pictures, so now we have to read him
kid books. And Scott hated it anyways because it was to "out there" for him. I can't give a very accurate review of the book because I only remember The Lion The Witch & The Wardrobe, because I had read that previously, and the last two books of the series because I read those within the last two weeks. The middle ones are a little blurry and I remember the jist of them, but have forgotten a lot of the details. I will probably try to read them all again, but I need to read them quicker so I don't forget a lot of the details.

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