Can you believe Connor is going to be 4 years old in just 10 days? I can't! It's crazy to think that he's going to be going to school this fall!! For his birthday we're going to be doing the usual, go get pictures taken, go to the zoo, go to McDonald's for dinner, but we also have swimming lessons that day as well (well, as long as the weather is fine), so dinner will be a little late, but overall it should be a fun day. Probably not as much fun as his party on the 3rd, but you can only do so much with a tight budget!
So I hope all the Daddy's out there had a great Father's Day. We had to wake up a little early so we could make it down to the Lodge to meet all of Scott's family for breakfast, but we had enough time for him to open
his presents. He got some Wausabi and Soy Sauce Nuts, Slim Jim's, some new Wife Beaters, and I told him he could go pick out some meat for dinner (ended up being a 2.1 lb steak for us to split, lol). We then went down to the Lodge and had our omelet breakfast, then back to the in-laws to spend some time with Scott's Dad and his sister's family. So nothing excitingly fun, but a nice laid-back kind of day with some great food!

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