So today is Halloween! YAY! I love Halloween! I think it's a great Holiday for the kids to just have fun and get a lot of free candy! Unfortunately it's not nearly as fun as it was when I was a kid. There are time limits....WTF! It's like 5-7 or something ridiculous like that! When I was younger you didn't go out until like 6, and didn't come home until 9ish or even later! It was a lot of fun just walking for hours with your friends and parents. Oh well, I guess times change, I just hope the kids have as much fun as I did when I was younger!
So yesterday we retired the 9-12 month clothing for Savannah and busted out the 12-18 month clothing. she really didn't need to switch because of her size, the 9-12 month still fit good (except for some of the pants were a little short). The main reason we switched is
because she just didn't have a lot of clothes in the 9-12 month size. She wore all of the clothes 2 or 3 times, which is pretty good for kids since they tend to grow so fast! Now it's onto 12-18 month clothing, which she has a TON of because of us buying them for her birthday/Christmas, and all of Lily's old clothes that Katie gave us, plus I know she'll be getting more clothing for her birthday & Christmas, so she'll definitely be set for awhile!