This Blog is about whats going on in our lives and with our families! I am a semi-"crunchy" mom of two children, who likes to read, scrapbook, take-pictures, and currently involved in improving my life by excercise and eating right!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Husband Coached Childbirth

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Monday, December 20, 2010
Ina May's Guide to Childbirth

Sunday, December 19, 2010
The Girl She Used To Be

Thursday, December 9, 2010
Savannah Lynn's Birth Story
So it’s not exactly the 100% natural birth that I wanted, but I guess you don’t always get what you want.
11:30 a.m. - water broke at work! Was thinking she was trying to be a November baby, but she decided to hold off until December! (part of this was my doing......if I would have done some things quicker I could of gone in November, but oh well)
Drove home, finished packing my bag, at some food.
2:00 p.m. - arrive at hospital
6:30 ish - they let me eat!! Who ever heard of a hospital letting someone in labor eat, but mine did, and I’m so glad!!!
Tried everything & anything to try to get contractions strong & consistant, but nothing worked. After knowing that I wouldn’t be getting any sleep (I was comfortable enough to sleep, but there was no way I was turning my brain off!), decided to start the pitocin (they were not pushing me, which was very nice, but I was just afraid that I would get super tired from no sleep & a super long labor, and it seemed like I would have need the pitocin eventually anyways since it was going so slowly….at this point I was only 3-4 c.m., and I was a stretching 2 c.m. the day before at my appointment)
9:00 p.m. - started pitocin (usually they up 2 units (whatever that means( every 30 minutes)), but they knew I wanted as natural as possible, so we took things very slowly, and only upt it 1 unit every hour. They also usually start it after about 6 hours after your water had broken, but my Dr. was nice enough to give me a couple of more hours to try to get things progressing, so I ended up waiting 9.5 hours intead of the 6.
**note**If you are fully maxed out on pitocin you’re at a 90(at least by the measurements on their machine), but I only got up to 24 since they were being nice enough to slowly increase it.
4:30a.m. - 5 c.m.
5:04 - birth. (probably only 10ish minutes, 4-5 contractions of pushing)
Other than the pitocin it was drug/intervention free!! It was super intense when pushing. They were trying to get me to stop, because they didn’t think I was complete yet, but I couldn’t stop! It was crazy fast and I almost wanted to ask for some pain medication, but obviously you can see why it was so painful……less than 35ish minutes from 5 c.m. to baby!!
I did not tear at all this time, and I feel great. I took some ibprofin a couple of different times while at the hospital, but not very often.
My first birth was 12 hours from water breaking to finish, so this one was a little longer BUT that’s because I was in control of the pitocin! Last time I pushed for over an hour, and he was born sunny side up, and this time she was the right way. So even though overall it took longer, and was more intense at the end, I’ll take that short amount of intenseness and the short pushing!
December 1st, 2010
5:04 a.m.
17.5 inches

Monday, November 15, 2010
36 weeks!
I have my 36 week doctor’s appointment tonight, and I’m curious to see if I’ve started to dilate at all. If Savannah has the same schedule as Connor, she will be here in 7 days!!! Isn’t that crazy? I’m thinking it’ll be more like 2-3 weeks, but who knows for sure! I really wish there was a magic ball I could look into and know when she would be here!
I'd Know You Anywhere

So Halloween & Trick or Treating was fun! Connor had such a blast! He did so good going up to all the houses and saying Trick or Treat, it was so cute!! First we went around Scott’s parent’s neighborhood with the whole clan (Macy, Brodie, Donovan, Buddy). Donovan only went to about ½ of the houses before he bailed, but Buddy stuck it out with Connor! Connor wanted to keep getting “more candy” to fill up his
Friday, November 5, 2010
Carvin' Pumpkins
So after pictures last Saturday, we all went over to Scott’s parent’s house to carve
34 Weeks!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Baby Shower
So this past Sunday was Ashley’s baby shower. It was nice. Her mom threw it for her at a Country Club, so it was kinda on the fancier side, but not overdone. We had some good food, played some games (I actually
Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium
So anyways, on Saturday this past weekend we decided to go to Iowa, to the Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium. Jessica & Justin decided to tag along with us as well. It only took about 1.75 hours to drive down there, so not too bad. We got down there around 1 p.m. walked around for awhile, and looked at the animals. Connor wanted to keep seeing more animals, so I know he had fun. Unfortunately I was a little disappointed with the whole experience. I thought there would be more aquariums and stuff, but oh well. It was still fun for Connor, and that was all that mattered. I think the next aquarium we take him too will be Sheds Aquarium in Chicago.
Monday, October 18, 2010
32 Weeks
Well today I go for my 32 week Dr. apt, which means this past Saturday I was officially 32 weeks. Now there is less than 5 weeks until I am considered full term! I can’t believe it. The time just keeps going faster
Thursday on the way home from work my car hit 100,000! I always imagined that I would get rid of my car before it hit this point, and I do want to get rid of it,
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Kindred in Death

Monday, October 11, 2010
One Last Time
Then Scott decided to jump on the trampoline (which was covered in leaves) and Connor decided to play in his sandbox. By the time they were done playing they were filthy & had to spray down with the hose, BRRR.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Mixed Blessings

Goodbye Cookie
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Fine Things

Kid's Rooms!
28 Weeks!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Ella Ray
Monday, September 13, 2010
The Secret Life Of Bees

Thursday, September 9, 2010
Happy Birthday Christian
Applesauce & Salsa
Happy Birthday Granny & Pops
Monday, August 30, 2010
The Time Travelers Wife

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Bridesmaid Dresses
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Toppings & Pickles

24 Weeks!

Thursday, August 19, 2010
Michigan International Speedway
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
The Last Child

Mike & Amanda!!
My BFF of over 12 years got married to her wonderful husband on July 31st! We drove over on Thursday the 29th and stayed until Sunday, August 1st . Thursday night me & Amanda went over to her mom's house so she could shorten my straps on my dress, while Scott went with Mike to go pick up his tux. Friday we ran around with Amanda , first helping decorate the reception hall, and then doing some errands and went to get her nails done. Friday night was the rehearsal, it seemed to take awhile, but everything went pretty well. Afterwords we drove to visit my friend Meagan who just happened to be in town as well on the same weekend! Saturday was the big day!! Got up early, went and got my hair done, went back to the hotel to rest for about 45 minutes, and then it was off to the wedding! You couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day for an outside wedding! The wedding was beautiful and then it was time for the reception!! Had some great food, danced with some great people, checked out of there by about 11:15, cause I was SO tired. Then Sunday night it was time to drive home! Here are some wonderful pictures from the weekend:
Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Saturday, July 24, 2010
1/2 Way

Friday, July 23, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Baby Food
So today I decided to look up baby food recipes online. I never made homemade food for Connor, but for some reason this time I really want to try it out and see how it works. I know it will be a lot healthier for the baby, I just hope I can committ to the time it'll take everyday to make it. Thankfully I'll be able to make a couple of days worth at one time, and just store some in the fridge. I found this GREAT website for recipes wholesomebabyfood.com I found baby cereal recipes, fruit, veggie & meat recipes, everything I would need for the first 8-10 months! We'll probably start introducing food around the same time as we did for Connor. I think the first time Connor had cereal was about 4.5 months, and they say to start between 4-6 months.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Baby Book
So today I decided to start looking for a baby book. This is one thing I did not get when I had Connor and someone had to buy me one at the Hospital Gift Shop (overall the baby book worked for what you need it to do, but it isn't the prettiest, and I would have rather had something nicer looking, but oh well). So to prepare, I'm making sure I get it WAY in advance, we will probably be purchasing it next Monday after we have the BIG U/S!!!! Well anyways, searching the Babies R Us Website, these are the two I have picked out. I can't wait to be able to purchase one, I can't believe it's only one week away from finding out if we're having a boy or girl!! I'm getting so excited!!

Almost every Sunday night it seems like I can't sleep, I don't know if it's partial insomnia, or what! I laid down at about 10:30ish and by 11:30 for some reason i felt sick, so i got up and started reading my book. by about 12:30 I was laying down again to try and finally see if I could sleep, but then Connor started waking up.......SO I went and laid down in his room, finally fell asleep sometime after 1 a.m. Connor woke up 2 other times and then I heard Scott getting ready for work at 4:45 this morning......ugh!! Seriously! I usually never hear Scott getting ready for work, and don't usually hear Connor throughout the night, most of the time he just magically appears in our room in the morning, lol. Out of all the nights to not sleep well, why does it have to be Sunday?? Why can't it be Saturday when I know I get to sleep in the next day?? Mondays are already hard enough, but without much sleep it's even worse!!! If I wasn't preggo I would probably drink some NyQuil to fall asleep, but that's not really an option right now!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Building a House