So last night was fun. The St. Dennis Festival officially began! We played pop toss a bunch, and I get to eat some corn. So far the total count is 2 pieces of corn, with many many more to come this weekend!!
So today I'm officially 20 weeks! 1/2 over!! I can't believe it! It's kind of nice being pregnant in the summer, because we are so busy, it goes by so quickly!! I can't believe in 2 days and 5 hours we will be finding out if we're having a little boy or little girl! It's so exciting! Everyone keeps asking what I think it is, but I don't want to say one way or the other in case my feelings are wrong. But anyways, I thought I'd post some pictures of my progressing baby belly. 1st picture was taken at 8 weeks and the second one was taken this morning at 20 weeks!

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