So today has been your typical Friday, pretty boring!! We have lots going on this weekend, it'll be fun, but it'll go by fast!! 72 hours from now I will be walking into the Dr's office to have my ultrasound to find out if we're having a boy or girl!! Can't wait!!!
So yesterday afternoon/night we had some major storms in the area!! This summer has been full of crazy storms that have brought tornado's, flooding, hail, etc. Connor is suppose to have swim lessons on Thursday night's, but obviously with the tornado warnings that did not happen. The first part of the storm there wasn't any
lightening or thunder, so me & Connor got to play outside, then while eating dinner I decided I didn't feel comfortable sitting right next to a bunch of windows, so I decided to eat in the middle of the living room (not on the couches, because the skylights are right above them, lol). Well there was confirmed tornado's in the area, but we didn't see any, HOWEVER we did have a TON of water! This was taken in our backyard, we had a river!!
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