So Connor, Savannah, and I are sitting here watching Toy Story 3, waiting for Scott to come home from bowling, so then we can go to bed. I was messing around with my wrap I bought, and I think I have it figured least I think so........Savannah is comfy enough & passed out, so I guess that's a good sign.
Christmas has come and gone, and although it is probably one of my favorite days of the year, I'm glad its done with. With all the presents, my house is still in the process of recovering.......its better than it was this morning, but there's still a pile of presents on the couch to put away. Christmas Eve we decorated cookies, then went to church, and then spent the night with Scott's dad side of the family opening presents at GG's house. We didn't get home until after 11 p.m. Christmas morning we woke up at 6 a.m., opened presents from "Santa", then got ready and went over to Scott's parents house. We opened a ton more presents from them, and then Scott's mom side of the family, from Milwaukee came over, and spent some time with them.
We then ran home so Connor could get a quick nap in before going over to Aunt Missy's. Had some great food, and then the bazillion people who were there all got to open presents. We then went home & crashed for the night, then went over to John & Carol's house the next afternoon for another round of food & presents. Like every year Connor got way to many toys, and Savannah got way to many clothes. But I guess I can't complain about a family who loves to spoil my children.

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