Just finished this week's homework assignment - 1 week left! Ugh! And of course they pile it on at the end of the semester. I have one assignment, one journal, one project and on test left - all due by next Tuesday at midnight, yuck! Which, of course that means, when we're not busy spending time with family this weekend (birthday party & Mother's Day), I will be working on school stuff..........just how I love to spend my weekends! At least I'll have a few weeks off before my Accounting 1 class starts in mid-June.
So of course this is ridiculously late and I contemplated even posting it, but I figured, why not? Easter was a few weeks ago but it's a great Holiday. One of those Holidays that we really should have went to church, but we didn't (I know - we're bad people). The Easter Bunny stopped at the house and product the kids a bag full of clothes and a present each. Savannah got a music table and Connor got the mini wrestling guy money & the bank that he wanted. Afterwards we headed over to Matt & Chrissy's, then out to John & Carol's and then finally to Aunt Missy's house. We had a ridiculous amount of candy in the house, and out of the 5 pounds I've lost this year, I've gained 4 back (not all from Easter Candy, but it's partially to blame). I hope you all had a great Easter - anyone do anything "unusual"?