So we're beginning to look like hoarders around my house, so we really need to start getting rid of some stuff. I started off putting Connor/Savannah's car seat on craigslist, but haven't had any responses yet to it. I also put Connor's High Chair on craigslist and I'm meeting someone at East Towne today who is going to buy it for $50! It cost $100+ I think brand new, so they're getting a good discount for getting it used and it's still in great condition! I'm also going to start bringing books to 1/2 priced books and getting rid of some of them, even though it kind of breaks my heart to do it.
So on Tuesday Savannah got to finally be in her new pink big girl car seat. At her 1 year check up she was officially at the limit for length for the baby carrier so we knew we had to switch her pretty soon. She actually sat in a big girl car seat on the way to Michigan last weekend, but that was Connor's old Eddie Bauer car seat. I think she liked being in her new seat, but it's kind of a
pain every morning now because I have to take her out and put her in several times when dropping Connor off and picking him up. Side note: she is still backwards, and we've decided to keep her that way until at least 2 if not 3 years old.

Very cute picture! and I LOVE craigslist, it makes getting and selling things so easy! (bbc momma)