So it's finally Friday! Still slacking on the blog front, not doing it nearly as often as last month. Oh well, I guess until my laptop gets fixed or we get a new one I'll probably not get to posting as often. This computer is so ridiculously slow I can only handle working on it for so long.
So Monday was Buddy's 3rd Birthday. We met up with the birthday boy and the rest of the Moore's at McDonald's, then went over to their house for cupcakes & presents. We got him a piece to his birthday train (when he's 16 and getting his final piece he'll probably hate us for it, lol, but oh well), some PJ's, an outfit and some animal
beanie babies (if you don't know yet, Buddy LOVES animals. He loves them more than any kid I've ever known!) I hope he had a great 3rd birthday, and now we get to celebrate again with his big party tomorrow!

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