So Monday night we realized it was a little warm in the house. Sometimes our a/c doesn't work the best, but it's been working for awhile. We had a suspicion that something was wrong though but didn't want to admit it. Unfortunately when Scott got home from work Tuesday night it was 86 degrees in the house. Thankfully Cardinal Heating & Air was able to come over right away and fix it. $160 later it's cool again in the house.........hopefully we don't have to fix it again before we sell the dhouse!
So Saturday afternoon Jessica & Justin brought me some cucumbers! I didn't have a chance to do anything with them Saturday, but Sunday morning I made some pickles out of them! I found the recipe on that I decided to try. Scott wanted Bread & Butter Pickles, so that is what I made. The portions of the recipe were kind of messed up. I used 6 large cucumbers like it says, only used 2 onions (they were huge), and it probably made enough for about 8 pints of pickles. However the liquid part of the recipe only made enough for 2.5 pints........thankfully I had some more vinegar in the house, so I was able to make
5 pints of pickles, and just tossed the remaining cucumbers & onions. I can't tell you if they're any good or not, can't eat them for at least a few weeks, but I figured I'd share my notes about this particular recipe in case anyone finds this recipe and decides to try it out.

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