Can you believe it is already Wednesday? This week seems to be just flying by. Next week we'll already be in August, and in 6 weeks Connor will be starting school! This coming weekend is the annual St. Dennis Festival, so you know were I'll be all weekend. Looking forward to the yummy corn, and I'm determined to win a cake on the cake walk this year!
So last weekend was the Dane County Fair. The Fair runs Wednesday-Sunday (I believe), and we usually go on Sunday, but we had a birthday party to go to on Sunday, so we went Saturday instead. So after Scott got done with work we headed over to John & Carol's house to get their free passes they gave to us! We then met up with Cody & his family and went into the fair. We walked around for a little while and looked at the animals, then headed inside to the petting zoo & all the other indoor stuff. Of course I had to hold my little ducky and chick, but I also got to hold a white bunny to! This year I purchased some cinnamon roasted Almonds, yumm! After that we headed outside and walked around the games, played the fishy game (through a ball in a fish bowl = win a fish). We ended up winning 2 fish (Scott won one, and Connor won the other....I actually won nothing, boo!), unfortunately they didn't even make it to Monday morning (not sure if it
was the heat or the 3 foot drop when Connor dropped them, lol). We only spent about 2 hours at the fair, normally we would have stayed a lot longer, but it was so hot and we were all kind of miserable from walking around the little bit we did.

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