So last weekend we got our new railing on the front steps done, YAY! It looks much better! But pretty much anything would look better than rotting wood........but whatever. This weekend is going to be fairly busy for us. Tomorrow we have Jeni's housewarming party, then we're taking Connor to the WWE show they are doing in Madison, then Sunday is Brodi's Birthday Party. Then Monday is Memorial Day, parade & brat fest!! So like always the weekend will go by way to fast, but at least it'll be a long weekend!!!
So on Wednesday Savannah was officially 25 weeks old. Can I still count in weeks??
LOL! Well anyways, I decided to bust out her 6-9 month clothing and put away her 3-6 month clothing. I figured she's almost 6 months old, she should be wearing that size, right? She probably could have gotten away with wearing her 3-6 month clothing a little longer, but not much. I just wanted her to wear all the super cute clothes she has hanging up in her closet with the tags on it, and all the cute clothes I just got from Katie that Lily wore when she was a baby!
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