Thankfully it is finally Friday night.........this week has been so long, and I am completely's not even 7:30 and I'm already thinking about going to bed............gosh I'm old, lol. So what plans does everyone have for the weekend? Tomorrow we're going to the Farmers Market with Jessica & Justin, eating at Ian's for lunch, possibly going out/over to John & Carol's for dinner, and then Sunday not sure yet..........
So for Mother's Day Scott got me a BabyHawk Mei Tai (attached is a picture provided from their website, mine is black with blue/silver flowers). I previously was using a ring sling (which I bought off of e-bay......and I didn't realize at the time, that I got a cheaply made one, so maybe that's why I didn't like it). It always felt like I had to hold onto Savannah while using it, which pretty much defeated the purpose of the sling. All of that has changed with the babyhawk. I tried the front and back hold, jumped a little up and down, and it felt awesome. She feels incredibly secure and I can have my hands free (which will work perfect for the farmers market tomorrow). I am so happy that I found this one. I did quit a bit of research before I decided on the babyhawk, I can't remember which website I saw the recommendation on (I think it was babycenter,
but I could be wrong). It did seem a little expensive to me ($80, and don't forget I'm a cheapskate), but I already think it's worth it! This will work amazing when we go to the zoo, mall, anywhere you would normally use a stroller, plus it provides you with bonding time and you don't have to mess with a stroller (pain in the butt while shopping!). So if you are interested in carrying your baby, I 100% recommend this one (pst: it would also make a great gift for someone if you know someone who would use it!)

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