This is the second time I've tried to create this post - they changed the format of the website so I'm having some troubles with it - grr! Cleaned out my closet last night, got a whole box of stuff to go in the garage sale in 2 weeks. Also, today we made a Menards run - got a few seeds for the garden, can't wait to get planting in a few weeks!
So we left for Disney almost 3 weeks ago and we took Frontier Airlines both ways. Both ways there were delays, yuck! On the way there someone called in sick, so we were delayed about an hour - don't they have better policies in place to prevent this? On the way back the flight before us was delayed for some reason, which made us delayed. On the way there it was nice that we got to watch TV for free but we did not get that on the way home. Instead we got a warm cookie and a cup of coffee to enjoy. Which do I prefer? Well the coffee and cookie were nice I had snacks in my bag so I think I would have preferred to have the TV to watch - oh well I guess. Both kids did amazing on the plane, both ways. Connor almost had a little freak out when he realized he was on a plane but he calmed down and did amazing! Not sure when the next flight will be but for the kids it'll probably be awhile - maybe another trip to Disney when Savannah is older!