Woho, Vacation Baby! I am officially off of work until April 9th! Other than maternity leave I haven't had a solid week off of work since my honeymoon! Super excited! But before we start the fun part of the vacation there is lots of stuff to do. We have to finish packing, Scott & I both have homework we need to do, Connor has Karate and a birthday party tomorrow and we also have Easter pictures, busy busy.
So we finally started up book club again! I received an e-mail a few weeks ago from Jeni and we all decided to start up again and meet tonight. They really wanted to read The Hunger Games and although I had heard of it and knew a movie was coming out I really didn't know what the hype was all about. They had mentioned possibly talking about all three books but I realistically didn't think I could read all 3 in that short of amount of time. WOW was I wrong! I started the first book last week Tuesday afternoon and finished the 3rd book this past Sunday night. Sarah was nice enough to lend me her kindle so I didn't have to buy the books (the waiting list at the library is ridiculously long!). OMG I loved them! I have to say the first is by far the best but I still enjoyed the 2nd and 3rd a lot. The detail in the first book was just so amazing that you really could picture a movie being created out of it. I really can't wait to see the movie now. Jessica and I are waiting until it gets to the $5 Tuesday/Wednesday night to go see it! Did anyone else read all 3 of the books? If so, did you read it in a
ridiculously short amount of time like I did? I recommend everyone to read this book I can see how a vast range of people would love it. They did make it a book on CD so I have Scott's name on the list so he can "Read" it too, but it may take a few months for him to get it the list is pretty long! Hopefully he'll get it by the time it goes into Redbox so we can rent it! (Cause I know I'm going to want to watch it more than once)