So I'm happy to report Savannah had a new "1st" tonight! She pulled up to standing all by herself at Grandmas house - twice! Chrissy was a witness to this, so I'm not crazy, even if she doesn't do it again for awhile, we know she can! It's just a matter of time now before we have another "1st" - crawling! She's so ridiculously close it really could happen any day now, but if she's like her brother it'll still be awhile.....only time will tell!
So Connor had his 1st day of school today! Exciting and sad at the same time! Exciting that my little boy is going to be learning and making new friends, but sad that he's growing up way to fast! Scott & I both had the day off to celebrate the occasion. We made him breakfast, got him dressed and out the door we went. He's going to school at Play Haven, which is one of the day cares in the area, and he goes from 8:15-10:50. The bus was just getting there when we got there, so we waited for all of those kids to go inside, then we went inside and walked him downstairs to the 4k hallway. He has his own cubby where he put his backpack then we went into his room where all the kids wash their hands first. After that we looked around a little bit, had him find his picture on the wall and "check" in (putting his picture in the "whose at school today" column on the wall). Then we gave him a hug and we left. There were a few tears in his eyes and ours as well but we tried not to show them but other than that he did amazing. I was expecting him to throw a fit and refuse to let us leave, but that didn't happen. While he was at school Scott & I went and I donated blood then we went to pick him up. I'm happy to
report that Connor was a good helper (do I see a brown nosier in the future??) and he did really well, about 5-10 minutes before it was time to leave he did go up to his teacher and hugged her legs and said I'm ready for my mommy now. So a good first day. I really hope he enjoys school and makes lots of friends - he has no choice, he's going to college! He's not going to still be in college when he's 50 (which will more than likely happen with me, lol)

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