Monday is almost about done, thank goodness. The new girl at work (whose in charge of the billing) called in today...on the last day to finish up July business...........which means me & my boss were running around like crazy trying to get her job done plus was not fun, but we did it. Hopefully tomorrow at work is less eventfull and less stressful!
Today Savannah is 8 months old today. 2/3 of a year old, only 4 months until her birthday. Can you believe how fast the last 8 months have gone by?? Well, at 8 months old, Savannah is around 16 pounds and over 28 inches long, she doesn't have a Dr. apt until mid-September, so these are just estimates. She can feed herself small pieces of food (cheerios, 1/2 blueberries, etc - has been doing this for a month, but is getting better every day), can sit and lunge forward towards toys (almost got on her belly from a sitting position tonight). She can go in circles while laying on her belly
and I'm guessing she will probably figure out how to crawl soon. She tried so hard tonight laying on her belly she got her feet on the ground and pushed her butt in the air. She is my little princess but she really needs to start sleeping better! She still gets up on average 2 times every night, which is exhausting........excited for the next month to see how much more changes in the next few weeks!

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