It's Friday, yay! It's been a long week. Savannah has been sleeping like crap (I think she's teething), which makes for an exhausting week. Also we've been looking into flooring places and we have someone coming in Monday night to measure so we gotta get working on cleaning out our room, not fun!
So it's been over a week, and I'm a little behind, but Scott just celebrated his 28th birthday. Before dropping Connor off at school, him & daddy opened all the presents. He got 3 - boxes of cereal, 3 - boxes of candy, 3 - movies, and 3 misc. (Dolphin's chip clip, a wrestling guy & a luggage tag). After school we went to met up with the Moore's and Betty and ate at Ella's Deli for lunch then we went to the Children's Museum. Afterwards I had to run a few errands then we met up
with the in-laws for dinner at the Cardinals Nest. Next we came back to our house where Scott got to open more presents and we ate some ice cream cake. He received a new portable DVD player (his broke last spring), a camel (for his Nativity seen), tickets (to the Elimination Chamber - Chrissy, Jim, Connor & Scott will be going), and some other great stuff. It was a busy day but overall I think it was great, I hope he thinks so to. Happy Birthday Mr. Veith!

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