Sitting around the house, playing Candy Land with Connor while watching some of the basketball game....not that it matters, none of my teams are left, but whatever. Both kids are crabby...that's always fun to deal with on a Saturday night....Connor didn't have a nap today, and I'm pretty sure Savannah is going threw a growth spurt and possibly in early stages of stuff!!
So today we finally got to make the trip up north to visit my niece Madison Monroe. She was born on March 23 at 3:20 p.m. and she was 8lbs5oz and 22 inches long. She has the cutest chubby cheeks ever, but then I was surprised to see little chicken legs. She was such a good baby, she barley ever cried when we where
visiting. It was to bad that I didn't get to see Nick because he was working, but I'm thinking I may head up north to Aunt Jenny's pampered chef party next weekend so hopefully they'll stop by & I can see him. Other than briefly at Savannah's baptism I haven't seen him since he visited us in the hospital when Savannah was born. Hopefully now with Madison around we'll get to see each other more often, either us going up there, or him coming down here.

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