So this weekend is Buddy's 2nd birthday. I can't believe he's going to be 2!! It seems like just yesterday he was born.............time goes by way to fast!!! So tomorrow is the big birthday party. They're actually combining Buddy, Addison, Jillian, Olivia & Macy's birthdays, and just having one big party. We would never be able to do this for our kids because both of our sides of the family are very large, and I couldn't expect someone else to be able to throw a party for a bunch of people they aren't related to. That is why we just throw one huge one for Connor's. I'm not sure yet exactly what we'll do for Savannah's....since her b-day is in winter, we really can't have one huge party, b/c we can't fit everyone in our house.....we might just have to do Scott's family during Round Robin, and then my family the weekend before.......
So anyways, we're over 7 weeks into the life with 2 children. It's crazy!! What can I say?? Savannah definitely does not sleep as well as Connor use to at this age. By now Connor was sleeping 6-7 hours at a time....the most Savannah has done is 5 hours, but only once or twice, it's usually 3-4 at night......ugh....I'm a little tired. But this is one reason I've decided not to go back to work next Wednesday like originally planned. I've decided to use the full 12 weeks of FMLA, and not go back to work until February 23rd. I'm excited about spending more time at home with the kids, and hopefully I'll get some more things accomplished in the next 4.5 weeks, but I'm not counting on it....... Poor Connor, I wish it was warm
out, because then we could go down to the park or something, but instead we stay inside playing with toys and watching movies all we watched Open Season 2 like 3 times........thankfully he doesn't sit there and just watch it the entire time, he gets up and go plays for I've probably seen it more than him, even though I'm on the computer a lot. Doing homework, on facebook, BBC, etc. Well that's enough rambling for one day, here's Savannah's picture at 7 weeks (1/19)

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